
Alcon is a world-renowned ophthalmic drug and medical device company that specializes in the development, production and marketing of eye care products, eye surgical equipment, and contact lens care products.

Alcon is a world-renowned ophthalmic drug and medical device company that specializes in the development, production and marketing of eye care products, eye surgical equipment, and contact lens care products. After three years’ of partnership with Social Touch, Alcon’s social CRM campaign has become a landmark in terms of its innovation of marketing in the Internet Plus era


The Challenge


Being a brand newly entering the China market with its B2B2C business model, Alcon had been facing a lot of challenges, especially in the communications with the target audience. Traditional methods cannot reach the audience effectively, which leads to the lack of awareness of China consumers. Alcon needed to build brand awareness urgently and transform its sales strategy through online channels. Moreover, we suggested the brand to shift sales focus from offline to online



The Solution

Alcon SCRM solutions started with online and offline memberships and leveraged the value of SCRM in marketing, sales and customer service to connect directly with consumers. In terms of consumer insights, Alcon used big data technology to collect and analyze young consumers’ labels about their favourite lifestyles, and to segment the target consumers. When consumers showed interest in products, they are encouraged to purchase their “own products" by "choosing their labels”


The Achievement