SEPHORA is a world-leading cosmetics retailing brand. It was founded in Limoges, France, in 1969 and is owned by luxury conglomerate LVMH as of 1997. By 2013, there were 1,859 SEPHORA stores in 28 countries. The first SEPHORA store in China was opened in Shanghai in April 2005.

SEPHORA is a world-leading cosmetics retailing brand. It was founded in Limoges, France, in 1969 and is owned by luxury conglomerate LVMH as of 1997. By 2013, there were 1,859 SEPHORA stores in 28 countries. The first SEPHORA store in China was opened in Shanghai in April 2005.


The Challenge

Although spring season is a period for new product launch, the market demand of cosmetics and skincare products was particularly weak after China Single’s Day (on 11th Nov) and Chinese Spring Festival. The challenge for SEPHORA is how to stimulate consumers’ consumption desire and improve sales volume in March and April. SEPHORA decided to optimize its product promotion on the WeChat platform and develop consumer community for consumer interactions.




The Solution

Although SEPHORA’s product price is relatively high in China, it has strong advantages in terms of product quality and diversity, logistic, convenient shopping experience and availability of tester products. We helped SEPHORA through the following methods:


The Result